Some of the things I love ... May 24 2011, 0 Comments

As mentioned in my last post I want to feature more of the things I love on my blog.  I had been focusing on DIY and Home Decor but there is so much more that I love and appreciate in life.  I'd like to get to a point that I post on different interest areas on set days but as they say ... Rome wasn't built in a day!

Do you follow The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond?  I love her writing and photography!  If you haven't see Ree's site you have to check it out.

 To start the week off, I have to share this video with you.  I am a dog lover and I think this is one of the funniest video's I have seen.  You may have seen it already since it's gone viral but on the chance that you haven't seen it or you just need a good laugh check this out ...

Have a fabulous week!
